Damn You

The whole Scene

“I must have ye now, or die,” he said, breath­less, and then his mouth was on mine again, his face cold from the air out­side, and his breath steam­ing with mine.
Then he drew abrupt­ly away, and I stag­gered, press­ing my hands against the rough bricks of the wall to keep my balance.
“Hold up your hands,” he said.
“What?” I said stupidly.
“Your hands. Put them up.”
In com­plete bewil­der­ment, I held them up, and felt him take hold of the left one, fum­bling. Pres­sure and warmth, and the faint light from the open door shone on my gold wed­ding ring. Then he seized my right hand, shoved my sil­ver ring onto my fin­ger, the met­al warm from the heat of his body. He raised my hand to his mouth, and bit my knuck­les, hard.
Then his hand was on my breast, cold air brushed my thighs, and I felt the scratch of the bricks on my bare backside.
I made a noise, and he clapped a hand over my mouth. Speared as neat­ly as a land­ed trout, I was just as help­less, pinned flap­ping against the wall.He took his hand away and replaced it with his mouth, engulf­ing mine. I could feel the small urgent growls he was mak­ing in his throat, and felt anoth­er one, much loud­er, ris­ing in mine.
My shift was wadded high around my waist, and my bare but­tocks smacked rhyth­mi­cal­ly against the rough­ened brick, but I felt no pain at all. I gripped him by the shoul­ders and held on.
His hand skimmed my thigh, push­ing at the drifts of linen that threat­ened to come between us. I remem­bered, vivid­ly, those hands in the dark­ness, and bucked convulsively.
“Look.” His breath came hot in my ear. “Look down. Watch while I take ye. Watch, damn you!”
His hand pressed my neck, bend­ing my head for­ward to look down in the dim­ness, past the folds of shel­ter­ing fab­ric to the naked fact of my possession.I arched my back and then col­lapsed, bit­ing the shoul­der of his coat to make no noise. His mouth was on my neck, and fas­tened tight as he shud­dered against me.

damm you

All rights for the Pic­tures of Jamie and Claire go to the right­ful owner Starz
Excer­pt and Quo­te by Diana Gabal­don from “The Fiery Cross“
I own not­hing but the editing
Heike Ginger Ba Written by:

|Human|Woman|Mother|Wife|Friend| Photographer| Blogger| |TV-Junkie|Photoshop-Beginner|Art-Lover|Cologne-based|Outlander-addict |Sherlockian |TWD-devoted


  1. Jan Miutz
    August 30, 2015

    Hi Heike!

    I am cur­rent­ly reread­ing TFC! I knew imme­di­ate­ly where this scene came from! Hard to under­stand why folks think TFC is hard to read! Of course, I want­ed 4 years for it, and could­n’t wait to read it!?

    I could­n’t reboot my Kin­dle last week. The props said to go to fac­to­ry set­tings. I was afraid I would lose every­thing! Not too tech­ni­cal savvy, but I try! It worked! So nice to be bad on Twitter,even though I am not very good at it either! Have a good week! 😀

    • Heike Ginger Ba
      August 30, 2015

      Hi Jan,

      cant under­stand the Prob­lems with TFC… love this Book so much..slow Pace yess…but some of the best J&C Moments in it…Glad your Kin­dle works again..cu on TW or FB… Heike Ginger

  2. Tammy Bursoni
    August 31, 2015


    • Heike Ginger Ba
      September 2, 2015

      Thank you very much Tammy..LG Heike Ginger

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