Category: Just Photos

August 9, 2015 / / Just Photos
August 9, 2015 / / Just Photos

“Some trees grow straight,
while oth­ers grow gnarled and twisted.
Yet none are imperfect.
Per­fec­tion is mere­ly a perception.”
― Don­ald L. Hicks

August 9, 2015 / / Just Photos

Let us be grate­ful to people
who make us happy
they are the charm­ing gardeners
who make our souls blossom
‑Mar­cel Proust

August 9, 2015 / / Just Photos

I will always love you.
This life and the one after
and the one after that.
I will always only love you.
I want a mil­lion lives with you.
You’re my heaven.
― Abbi Glines

August 9, 2015 / / Just Photos

When you arise in the morning,
think of what a pre­cious priv­i­lege it is to be alive -
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
–Mar­cus Aurelius

August 9, 2015 / / Just Photos