Change the Future

The whole Scene

I could not think of it even in pass­ing, with­out a ter­ri­ble clench­ing in my stom­ach, that brought back the ghost of the pain of pre­ma­ture labor. I pressed my fists into the blue vel­vet of the car­riage seat, rais­ing myself to ease the imag­ined pres­sure on my back.I turned to look out the win­dow, hop­ing to dis­tract myself, but the sights went blind­ly by, as my mind returned, unbid­den, to thoughts of my jour­ney. What­ev­er my feel­ings for Jamie, whether we would ever see each oth­er again, what we might be, or not be, to one another—still the fact remained that he was in prison. And I rather thought I knew just what impris­on­ment might mean to him, with the mem­o­ries of Went­worth that he car­ried; the grop­ing hands that fon­dled him in dreams, the stone walls he ham­mered in his sleep.More impor­tant­ly, there was the mat­ter of Charles and the ship from Por­tu­gal; the loan from Mon­sieur Duver­ney, and Murtagh, about to take ship from Lis­bon for a ren­dezvous off Orvi­eto. The stakes were too high to allow my own emo­tions any play. For the sake of the Scot­tish clans, and the High­lands them­selves, for Jamie’s fam­i­ly and ten­ants at Lally­broch, for the thou­sands who would die at Cul­lo­den and in its aftermath—it had to be tried. And to try, Jamie would have to be free; it wasn’t some­thing I could under­take myself.No, there was no ques­tion. I would have to do what­ev­er I must to have him released from the Bastille.


All rights for the Pic­ture go to the right­ful owner Starz
Quo­te and Excerpt by Diana Gabaldon from “DiA”
I own not­hing but the editing
Heike Ginger Ba Written by:

|Human|Woman|Mother|Wife|Friend| Photographer| Blogger| |TV-Junkie|Photoshop-Beginner|Art-Lover|Cologne-based|Outlander-addict |Sherlockian |TWD-devoted


  1. April 4, 2016

    Such determination.…how admirable! Thanks for shar­ing this! ???

    • Heike Ginger Ba
      April 6, 2016

      very hap­py you like it…my first step into S2.. smile..LG Heike Ginger

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