James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser

Pictures from Outlander

Born: 1st May 1721 (in some Books 1720, but the Time­line on Diana Gabal­don Home­page writes 1721 as his Birth year). A Note from Her­self on the Page Ladys of Lally­broch “A note from Diana Gabal­don about Jamie’s year of birth: He was born on May 1, 1721. So what­ev­er age that makes him whenever…that’s what he is. (Any per­ceived deviances may safe­ly be attrib­uted to copy-edit­ing errors. <g>”
Par­ents: Bri­an Fras­er and  Ellen MacKenzie
Sib­lings: William and Janet Ellen (Jen­ny)
Wives: Claire Beauchamp, Laoghaire MacKenzie
Bio­log­i­cal Chil­dren: Faith and Bri­an­na Fras­er, and William Ran­som (not with Claire)
Fos­ter child: Fer­gus Fraser
Step chil­dren: Marsali and Joan McKimmie
Occu­pa­tion: many, includ­ing Laird of Broch Tuarach, mer­ce­nary, out­law, groom, smug­gler, print­er, sol­dier, trai­tor, farmer
Phys­i­cal Char­ac­ter­is­tics: 

He has the ele­gance of an ath­lete’s and the physique of a war­rior; He weighs 15 Stones (210 Ibs) and is 6’4″ tall. He has long grace­ful bones and flat mus­cles that flowed smooth­ly from the curves of chest and shoul­der to the slight con­cav­i­ties of bel­ly and thigh. The bones are sol­id and ele­gant shaped shoul­ders broad and straight. The shoul­ders flat and square-set and the back­bone a smooth, straight groove cut deep between the round­ed columns of mus­cle that rose on either side of it. He has long legs, hard, slim thighs, shape­ly calves and feet rather large, but they are lean and bony and thus appear elegant.

Pictures from Outlander

His eyes are open and straight out. He has a dis­tinc­tive, friend­ly face bright with a big mouth and eyes like sap­phires. The eyes radi­ate deep lying in dark blue and they are slant­ed, like a cats (always men­tioned as Fraz­er eyes) The eye­lash­es are long and thick, but strange­ly col­ored: at the tips of dark maroon, and at the roots very bright, almost straw-blond. He has rough, thick and red­dish eyebrows.

Jamie has wide cheek­bones and an edgy, ener­getic chin. The nose long, straight and sharp cut their teeth even and white.The skin is bright with gold­en glow and healthy col­or. The hair change depend­ing on the sea­son, but are main­ly cop­per red. In the morn­ing sun shine gold­en red hair and wet they look like old bronze. He has very thick hair.

The whiskers are cop­per and rust, but very soft, even though they feel at the same time bristly.

Jamies Hair

He has cin­na­mon-col­ored armpit hair and soft hairs on the back­bone, which merge into a red-gold fuzz on but­tocks and thighs in order to even­tu­al­ly con­dense into a bush of auburn curls.

Jamie has mus­cu­lar fore­arms. His hands are big with rich, red­dish hairy fingers.

It must have been quite a beau­ti­ful back at one time. His skin was fair and fresh, and the lines of bone and mus­cle were still sol­id and graceful.

Jamies Back

All rights for the Pic­ture go to the right­ful owner Starz
Descriptions by Diana Gabal­don from all Books
I own not­hing but the editing
Heike Ginger Ba Written by:

|Human|Woman|Mother|Wife|Friend| Photographer| Blogger| |TV-Junkie|Photoshop-Beginner|Art-Lover|Cologne-based|Outlander-addict |Sherlockian |TWD-devoted


  1. Norma D
    April 7, 2015

    Just like Sam!

  2. Deborah
    May 7, 2015

    You did not men­tion that his eyes are slant­ed, like a cats, Fraz­er eyes!

    • Heike Ginger Ba
      May 8, 2015

      Hio Deb­o­rah,
      thats right..fix this later..thank you for your com­ment and I hope you like the post any­way, even if I have for­got­ten to men­tion the eyes. LG Heike

  3. Jeanne McInerny
    June 28, 2015

    It sounds like Sam was stand­ing before Diana when she wrote the descrip­tion of Jamie.….He is a per­fect Jamie

    • Heike Ginger Ba
      June 28, 2015

      Hi Jeanne,

      yes Sam is the per­fect Jamie..never thought they find him..but they did..Thanks for the com­ment and the vis­it on my lit­tle Blog! LG Heike

  4. Jana Torge
    April 14, 2016

    Oh mein Gott! Er ist wirk­lich der fleis­chge­wor­dene JAMIE! ich hätte nie gedacht, dass sie einen Schaus­piel­er find­en, der Mrs. Gabal­dons Beschrei­bung auch nur annäh­ernd nahe käme … und dann kam Sam Heughan! Mein Gott!! Es war schon fast unheim­lich ihn zu sehen! Ich hoffe von ganzem Herzen, die Büch­er wer­den kom­plett mit ihm weit­er ver­filmt!!! Tausend Dank Mr Heughan, dass sie sich für die Rolle cas­ten ließen! Viel Glück und viel Spaß für die fol­gen­den Sea­sons! ich freu mich sehr drauf!!!

    • Heike Ginger Ba
      April 17, 2016

      Hi Jana,

      ich glaube wir haben das alle nicht erwartet udn doch haben Sie den per­fek­ten Jamie gefunden…ich kön­nte Sam stun­den­lang zusehen.…

  5. February 26, 2022

    I LOVE THE WAY IT Describes Jamie his hair eye’s
    Every­thing about Jamie his body details. I WIS I HAD THE MONEY.

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