Place for Sassenachs Posts

August 20, 2016 / / Outlanders only

Again Mem­o­ries of Culloden.
Quo­te and Excerpt by Diana Gabal­don from “Voy­ager”

August 6, 2016 / / Outlanders only

The Prayer of Jamie from Episode 11 The Orig­i­nal Prayer: DHE, teas­ruig an tigh, an teine, ’s an tan, Gach aon…

July 23, 2016 / / Outlanders only
July 11, 2016 / / Outlanders only
July 2, 2016 / / Outlanders only
July 2, 2016 / / Outlanders only

Quote and Excerpt from DIA
Thank God, his dark-blue eyes said,
and Thank God, my own echoed back