Place for Sassenachs Posts

October 18, 2015 / / Outlanders only
October 3, 2015 / / General
September 19, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quotes and Pic­tures from DoA
“I’ve been look­ing at your back­side in breeks every day for months,
but only occa­sion­al­ly does the sight move me to make inde­cent advances on your person.”

September 13, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quote from Drums of Autumn
“Flow­ers, fruit and leaves all togeth­er at the one time.
The white flow­ers are for hon­or, and red fruit for courage—
and the green leaves are for constancy.“And the fruit is the shape of a heart,”
he said soft­ly, and bent to kiss me.

August 30, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quote from “The Fiery Cross”
“Look down. Watch while I take ye.
Watch, damn you!”

August 30, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quote from Drag­on­fly in Amber
“But I talk to you as I talk to my own soul.
And, Sasse­nach,” he whispered,
“your face is my heart.”