Place for Sassenachs Posts

July 19, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quotes and Pic­tures from Outlander
Jamie and Frank in DoA
“I had­na thought ever to be so jeal­ous of a dead man,” he whis­pered at last.

July 5, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quote from A Breath of Snow and Ashes:
“If ye were no longer there—or somewhere—”
he said very soft­ly, “then the sun would
no longer come up or go down.

June 27, 2015 / / Outlanders only
June 17, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quotes and Pic­tures from Outlander
I qui­et­ly pulled up a stool and sat down near his head.
“I won’t touch you,” I said, “but you must talk to me.” 

June 13, 2015 / / Outlanders only

Quote and Pic­tures from Outlander/Voyager
He splayed a hand out over the photographs,
trem­bling fin­gers not quite touch­ing the shiny surfaces

June 6, 2015 / / Outlanders only